Friday, May 15, 2009

Going over my blog-

I can see such a difference in myself. The petty things I would blog about are laughable now. Everyone talks about growing up like there's a switch you can flip and bam- you're an adult. It's funny how gradual the changes are. Unnoticeable for the most part, until one day you look back.

I love that I've learned so many valuable life lessons over the past year or two. I'll be on here with a renewed voice. I'm sure I'll bitch about pointless shit still, but atleast it's with a different perspective. =]

Background after two years MIA

I haven't posted on here in so long. Goodness. The past two years have been a roller coaster. I was in a relationship for a major portion of it. We were engaged, he liked to cheat, we broke up. For awhile I was sad, and then I moved on. I absorbed myself with random sex, and liked to keep nameless men in my life. Recently I met someone who takes my breath away. He's everything I've looked for and never found in a man. Plus, he is a man, and not a boy.

As for the rest of my life- I moved out a couple of years ago with my ex, up until Dec, we hadn't lived a part. After the break up I moved back in with my Grandparents. It was nice, I worked at a part time job for awhile then found an apartment in a bigger city 30 minutes away. I moved out, and for a time had three jobs, then two for a good while, and am in the process of going back to three. A women's clothing store, smoke shop, and pizza place. I love working like crazy. I have expensive taste and appreciate buying myself senseless shit with my hard earned money. My lack of social life sometimes is a downer, but whatever. I'm an adult, I may as well work my ass off, and save up now before I have children or a husband to spend it on. I hope to update my blog more often now. I just felt like laying down the current foundation after being MIA for so long.